Discussion: Why do you blog?

Basically, this discussion is for my fellow bloggers who read this site.  ‘Why do you blog?’ is actually a question I get quite a bit in real life when I mention that I blog.  Most people wonder what the point is, what benefit I get out of writing for free.

The truth is I blog because a) I like sharing what I have to say with a like-minded audience and b) I like the benefits of being a book blogger with a fairly decent following (714 at the time of writing).  In regards to my first point, being in an extremely rural community with very few bookish people gets lonely.  That’s partly why I took to blogging: to connect with like-minded people, share recommendations and discuss books we have in common.  As for the second point, there are certain benefits to having a following over 500, mainly in regards to how many ARCs I get accepted for.  I haven’t had much time to actually request print ARCs from many publishers but pretty much all the ones I’ve requested I’ve been accepted for recently.  Basically, blogging fuels my reading habit.

What I want to know now is this: If you’re a blogger, why do you blog?  If you’re not a blogger do you think you would ever consider starting up your own blog?  Why?


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