Discussion: Reading Slumps

Sometimes I get in a kind of mood where I don’t want to do any kind of reading.  I’ll waste hours on the computer, binge watch Game of Thrones, do 2000 piece puzzles, anything just to keep from reading.  Usually these moods come about after reading a particularly bad or difficult book, the kind that makes you feel like reading is work rather than pleasure.  As a book blogger who generally writes 4 reviews per week this can present a problem.

When I’m in a reading slump I either do one of two things: wait for it to pass on its own or try to motivate myself by reading a book from my TBR pile that could be really good.  Both of these strategies generally work for me but there have been times when they haven’t.

Have you guys ever had reading slumps?  If so, what did you do to get out of the slump?  And if you’re a book blogger, how do reading slumps affect your blogging?


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