Your Open Post Promotion Thread

Yesterday I couldn’t post anything due to internet difficulties (mainly that it kept cutting off randomly) and today I’m travelling for most of the day.  Thus, you guys get a promotion thread to promote your own work and find some awesome posts by other bloggers.

Basically, this is how it works:

1.  You comment below and in that comment, give us a little blurb about one or two of your best posts and a link to it/them.  Essentially, tell us what makes that post so special to you.  Is it your favourite post because you think your writing was top quality then?  Is it one of your most viewed posts?  And so on and so forth.

For example:

The Hunger Games and Ancient Rome


Technically I’m a book blogger, but here on The Mad Reviewer I also love talking about the occasional pop culture feature as well as history.  So I combined the two and talked about the similarities between The Hunger Games series (both the movies and books) and ancient Roman history.  Even though I wrote it a while back, it’s still one of my favourites because it was one of the first articles I wrote, whereas before I had just done book reviews.

See, it’s pretty easy and it’s free!  So go ahead and promote your favourite blog posts.


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