Category: Personal Stuff

The 5 Things No One Tells you About Getting an Adult Tonsillectomy

Now that I’m fully recovered, there are a couple of things I learned from my experience getting an adult tonsillectomy with essentially no de-briefing from my doctor other than “go to the ER if you start bleeding”.  So here are some things that if you have an adult tonsillectomy like I did, you probably won’t be told:

Tonsillectomy and Adenoidectomy

1.  Everyone’s pain levels and recovery time are different.

When I told a lady I clean house for about my impending tonsillectomy, she told me that her sister had one in her late teens and had actually been bed ridden for about three weeks.  My bosses’ daughter had a similar experience.  And a quick Google search had me reading through any number of horror stories about how getting a tonsillectomy as an adult was an absolute pain-ridden nightmare.

Except for me it wasn’t.

I have the world’s worst immune system and I have a bad record with injury recovery, so I was definitely expecting a hellish experience.  Except I was really only in what I would count as moderate pain for about 5 days after the surgery.  After that?  Meh, not really.  I really think pain levels and recovery time are different for every person and my experience is definitely not representative of the majority of experiences.  For me, having a combined tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy was far less painful than the time my right eardrum burst or when I had H1N1 a couple years ago during the peak of the epidemic.  But for some people, an adult tonsillectomy will be incredibly painful. Continue reading

Adventures in the Emergency Room

Last night I was feeling pretty weak and miserable so I tried to fill my poor empty stomach with water.  I hadn’t been able to eat anything except a little bit of yogurt at noon with my antibiotics because my tongue and throat were so swollen and raw, even with the painkillers I took.  But, as you probably know (and as I knew darn well), suddenly filling an empty stomach is not a good idea.

To make a long story short, I threw up all the water and yogurt I had managed to shove down my throat.  Normally this would not be something that would be particularly relevant here on my blog but when you have a tonsillectomy it’s a really big deal and a really bad thing.  You see, my tonsil beds have scabbed over nicely and the scabs are supposed to fall off around day 7-10 post-surgery.  It was day 5 on Friday so when I threw up and ripped the scabs off the right side of my throat I started bleeding.  As bleeding in your throat is never a good thing, I had to call my mum and get her to drive me to the emergency room 45 minutes away at 1:00am.  Needless to say, neither of us were particularly pleased with the situation.

By the time we got to the ER and the doctor finally saw me, the bleeding had already stopped.  It helped that I sucked on ice and had an ice pack around my throat on the whole drive down but my mum and I were still worried I might have to take the ambulance to the nearest OR to get the tonsil bed re-cauterized (ugh).  Thankfully I didn’t have to take any drastic action and the doctor said the flesh underneath looked a little raw but quite well healed.

I had a lovely sleep and woke up at around 11:00am today, which has been the best sleep I’ve had since my surgery.  In the night the scab on the left side of my throat had fallen off as well so I’m pretty much scab-less.  It’s Day 6 now, a little early for that but apparently I have superhuman healing abilities because I’m now able to talk and actually eat some solid food.  This is very good because I feel like a walking skeleton, having lost 12lbs in six days on a fairly small frame.  I may look like the Hollywood ideal right now but I’m sick of feeling my ribs poke into my skin when I turn.  It was so nice to have a little pasta, olive oil and cheese tonight for supper.  I’m really craving heavy greasy foods like poutine, cheeseburgers and other junk but I’m definitely going to take it easy on my poor stomach for now.

So, to sum up: I had what was supposed to be a setback but has actually been a great improvement in my condition.  I expect to be up and moving around tomorrow but still taking things easy.  Things are really looking up right now!

I’m Back From the Hospital!

Well, folks, just one day after my combined tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy, I’m back at home.  I’m feeling a lot better than I thought I would although the swelling is currently quite painful as the healing process goes on.  Overall, I’m actually feeling quite well and will be around here on the blog far more than I thought I would be able to.  I can’t work for about two weeks because I still can’t talk much and my job involves a lot of talking, heavy lifting and running around but if I had a desk job somewhere I could probably be back to work after a week.

So Monday started off at 7:00am for me because I had to drive to the hospital an hour away for the surgery.  Once there I registered and proceeded to wait past my appointment time of 8:30 until almost 10:00am, when they finally decided to drug me and get an IV in me.  After that, my surgery started at 11:00am and went off without a hitch.  I didn’t wake up until around 1:00pm but my mum was waiting for me when I came out of anaesthetic.

I didn’t have any of the expected nausea once I came to so I was absolutely starved because I hadn’t been allowed to eat or drink anything since midnight the previous night.  Unfortunately, the hospital kitchen staff did not seem to understand just how long my fast had been because they brought me a tray with only jello, apple juice and a popsicle.  Protein, people!  You need protein to function like a normal human being after not eating that long!  So my mum, noticing how sweaty and pale I was told the staff just to go get her some chicken broth, which I gulped down like a madwoman.  It was a lot better than fainting, but not that much better.

After I was able to go to the bathroom by myself by unplugging my IV machine and taking it with me, mum went home to get some sleep in the evening.  Since adult tonsillectomies have such a high risk of bleeding compared to the tonsillectomies done on children, I had to spend the night in the hospital.  No big deal, right?

Hospitals in the area are overcrowded in part because there just isn’t enough room anymore for the population we have now.  And it doesn’t help that a lot of people up north were evacuated down here because of the fires.  So people end up sharing rooms.  That was fine by me; I was sharing mine with some sweet little old lady and there was a curtain barrier between us anyway.  How bad could it be?

The utter insanity of the day started just before my mum left for home, around 6:00pm.  My sweet little old lady roommate came over to my curtained section, looked confused and said, “Oops!  Sorry! I forgot you were here.”

She went back to her section without incident so I just brushed it off as forgetfulness and let it be.  I didn’t totally believe it because I had been talking with my mum at this point, before the swelling prevented me from doing so, but I just let it go.  No point in making a fuss about it.

Later that night, after mum left I was settling down for some serious sleeping at around 8:00pm.  The lady next to me, who I’ll call Mary, was talking to someone.  I didn’t think much of it until I realized who she was talking to: herself.

“Come on!  You don’t need no stinkin’ oxygen mask.”

“Why they put you in hospital again?  You breathe just fine.”

“Go home!  You’re fine.”

I absolutely knew she was talking to herself because about 15 minutes into the self-trashtalking I came over to see if everything was all right.  Apparently it was because she just harrumphed at me and turned over in her bed.  So I just went to the bathroom again and went back to bed.  From then on I woke up about every hour and almost every time I woke up I heard her scolding the doctors for keeping her in hospital and telling them her family would be there to pick her up soon.  The doctors of course said she wasn’t going home anytime soon because she needed her oxygen mask; her breathing sounded as bad as mine during a severe asthma attack.

Then at 1:00am the real craziness started.  I woke up but didn’t open my eyes because I was so weary but I could hear Mary muttering to herself in a mixture of English and some other language I couldn’t recognize, presumably trash-talking herself again. I rolled over in bed and finally did open my eyes to find her snooping in the cabinet where I kept my clothes and purse.

“What are you doing here?!”

“I’m just looking for a diaper.”

“They’re not here.”

“Well, they were.”

“Get the hell out of here!”  (Not my proudest moment.)

I don’t know if this sweet-but-slightly-crazy little old lady was trying to rob me or was just honestly looking for adult diapers, but after this I was suddenly understandably a little paranoid.  In hindsight it was probably a good idea for my mum to take my cash and credit cards “just in case”.

For the rest of the night I woke up around every hour to either use the bathroom or take a drink to soothe my throat.  The nurses came and checked on me periodically to make sure I wasn’t drowning in my own blood or something equally disgusting.  (Mary, for her part, mostly pretended to be asleep after her little searching for diapers incident.)  By morning I was absolutely ready to climb the walls; I just really wanted to get home and away from my crazy roommate, who continued to talk to herself almost all night.  I say almost because she of course had to pause every once in a while to fall asleep and snore as loudly as a drunken sailor.

Despite the extra pain and swelling on the second day, let me tell you I was so glad to see my mum come into my room to take me home.  It’s really, really good to be home where I don’t have to share a room with someone who talks to herself and possibly tries to steal from me.

How has your week been?  I’m so swollen I can’t talk right now but other than that the pain is actually a lot less than I expected.

Tyrion: One Year Later

Carrie's 2014 Pictures 389

One year ago I introduced Tyrion to you guys when he was just around 5 weeks old.  Remember how little and cute he was?

Now he’s just big and handsome:

mum's camera may 2015 083Oh, how time flies!  He’s going to be a pain in my butt after my surgery when I can’t exactly go out and walk him but I love him anyway.  He’ll just have to amuse himself with his many toys (but his favourite is that mangled-looking thing in the picture I had to sew a patch on).

Yep, this is totally not book-related but most book lovers seem to love animals as well so I thought I’d share.  If you guys have pictures of your pets, feel free to share as well!  We can all geek out over cute cat/dog/guinea pig/whatever pictures.