Tagged: character interviews

Character Interview Poll Results

A few weeks ago, I asked your opinion about authors doing character interviews.  Do you love them?  Do you hate them?  Well, I finally have the results in and they were somewhat surprising to me.

There was a virtual tie for first place: an almost equal number of people picked “I haven’t read any” or “Yes, I even like ones from books I haven’t read.”  Mind you, not that many people participated in the poll this time so this is probably in no way representative of how the general public feels but it was interesting to see that particular tie.

If you didn’t participate in the poll but would like to have your say: What do you think of character interviews? Let me know in the comments section below!

Poll: Character Interviews

One of the things we’re all familiar with is of course, author interviews.  Who doesn’t love learning a little more about their favourite author and/or series?  But one of the funny things I discovered shortly after beginning book blogging was that sometimes there are things called character interviews.  They’re basically interviews with a character or characters from the novel in question.  I’ve read a few from some of my favourite authors and series but decided they definitely aren’t for me.  Some bloggers, however, absolutely adore them.

So what I want to know is this: do you like character interviews?