Tagged: discussion: reducing the TBR pile

Discussion: Reducing the TBR Pile

Like most book bloggers out there, my TBR pile is getting insane.  It includes not only books I’ve agreed to review for authors who contacted me while submissions were open but also books I requested from authors, NetGalley requests and of course my own personal collection (which grows by the month).  I’m starting to think I have a problem with cutting down on books.

However, these past few weeks since I’ve been back blogging I’ve drastically reduced my TBR pile.  I haven’t bought any new books and I’ve been going through my NetGalley dashboard to make sure I read and review all of the books on my shelf before I request any new ones.  Then I’m going to tackle the books I promised to review for authors and publishers, then books I requested from authors personally and finally the books I bought for myself. I have no illusions: I’m never going to actually cut down my TBR pile to zero.  However, I hope to get it down to at least less than 100.  It’s getting a little ridiculous.

So what do your TBR piles look like?  What strategies do you have for cutting them down to a more appropriate size?