Tagged: does anyone actually watch book trailers

Discussion: Does Anyone Actually Watch Book Trailers?

I’m not trying to be my usual snarky self about this topic but I’m genuinely interested: do people actually watch the trailers for books?  It seems that every author and/or publisher releases them for their books but I really fail to see the point.  The ones I’ve seen had really poor production value and were essentially just readings of the book blurb (which I could have done myself much more quickly and without the cheesy graphics).  No doubt there are probably some ‘good’ book trailers out there but I really just don’t see the point.

I asked this question last year in a discussion and most people said they don’t watch book trailers but now that my audience is significantly bigger I want to pose the question to a wider audience.  It’s possible that I’m just missing the point.

So do you watch book trailers?  If so, could you link to an example of a good one?  If not, why?  If you’re an author, have you had a book trailer done and why or why not?  Did it help with marketing your book?