Tagged: flaws

What Makes a Character Memorable?

In my reviews, I often critique an author’s characterization, but I haven’t really touched on what separates a good character from a memorable character.  Here I hope to tell you some things I’ve noticed as a reader and as a reviewer.

1.  Their names.

Isherwood Williams.  Lestat.  Katniss Everdeen.  Harry Potter.  Do any of these ring a bell for you?  If they don’t—particularly the last one—you’ve obviously been living under a rock for the past decade or so.  What makes these names so memorable is the fact that they’re simple, easy to pronounce and yet they’re unique.  In my opinion, many of them are just about the right length to roll off the tongue with ease, no matter what your reading level.  Truly, most first graders can sound out these names and get something close to what they really are.  Names are so important for characters that on BabyNames.com there is an article about how to choose character names for writers. Continue reading