Tagged: greek history

Lazy Sundays: Greek History

My schedule has been so busy that although I am officially a volunteer at the local museum, I haven’t actually been able to do my training.  So in January I’m finally going to get my training to be a tour guide!  I can’t really articulate how excited I am to be working with both stunning replicas of real ancient Greek sculptures along with real Roman coins, glassware and Egyptian amulets.  I also can’t wait to have an excuse to prattle on about history to people who want to listen.

I’m quite confident in my ability to explain and answer most questions on Egyptian and Roman history but my one weakness in the main eras the museum covers is Greek history.  So I’ve been hitting the books for the cultural aspects and watching The Teaching Company’s ‘The Long Shadow of the Ancient Greek World’ for the famous events of Greek history.  It’s a lot to remember but I’m confident that over Christmas I’ll at least be able to answer the most basic questions about Greek history from the Archaic to the Classical Period (plus the wars of the Diadochi).

I was studying up on the English Civil War in preparation for an article here but I think that’s going to be put on hold.  However, in December I should finally have that Jon Snow article I keep promising you guys.  It’s to do with Roman history instead of Greek history but I think I can take some time off to write something longer than my usual reviews.

So how has your Sunday been?