Tagged: personal stuff

Meet New Kitty

Yep, this is totally off topic but I just had to show him/her off:

Carrie Picutres 2014 005This is him/her meowing rather indignantly at my camera as I took his/her picture.  From comparing it to the rest of the litter I think it’s a boy but knowing my luck it’s probably a girl.  That, and the litter is only two weeks old so it’s pretty hard to tell.

Anyway, my cat Tommy died at the age of 19 in January and in these past few months I’ve realized just how much I’ve missed having a cat.  When a farmer in the area announced he had a new batch of kittens to give away I just couldn’t resist checking them out.  And lo and behold, there was a perfect little striped one!  I’ve always been rather partial to striped cats.

He’s only two weeks old so I won’t be taking him home until sometime in July but until then I’m going to be busy cat-proofing the place again.  It’s going to take a lot of work but it’ll be worth it when I hear the pitter-pattering of tiny clawed feet again.