Tagged: reading challenge

I Finished The Mad Reviewer Reading & Reviewing Challenge

I started my own challenge way back in 2013 so it’d be a darn shame not to finish it.  I actually read and reviewed 191 books in 2013 but I counted the longer novels toward my challenge.  Anyone who doubts whether I actually reviewed these books can go verify them on the ‘My Reviews‘ page.  Right now I’m just going to talk about my statistics from the reading challenge (in which I read 104 books).

Total pages read: 43,985

Average pages per book: 422.9

Time spent reading (assuming an average of 100 pages/hour): 436.85 hours

Time spent reviewing (assuming 45 minutes/review): 78 hours

Um, wow?  I had no idea I spent that much time reading, but I guess I really do spend a lot of my time with my nose in a book.  More than most people, I’m thinking.  Even with blogging, I had no idea I spent that much time actually writing reviews!  But by the time I find cover pictures, blurbs and actually write the darn things an average of 45 minutes has gone by.  That means that since I reviewed 191 books this year I spent 143 hours and 15 minutes writing reviews.  I earned my blog name, that’s for sure.

The Mad Reviewer Reading and Reviewing Challenge 2014 Sign Up

The Mad Reviewer Reading Challenge ButtonThe 2013 Mad Reviewing Reading & Reviewing Challenge is still in progress of course but I’m liking it so much that I figured I may as well start people on the sign up sheet.  The challenge is the same as last year:

The Mad Reviewer Reading Challenge is to read and review (either on Goodreads, Amazon or your own blog) 104 books in one year starting January 1, 2014 and ending December 31, 2014.

I’m fully aware that not everyone has time to read 104 books which is why I’ve created different levels of the challenge that you can aspire to:

1.  Mad Reviewer: 104 books in one year. (2 books a week all year.)

2.  Crazy Reviewer: 52 books in one year. (1 book a week all year.)

3.  Slightly Sane Reviewer: 26 books in one year. (1 book every fortnight all year.)

4.  Sane Reviewer: 12 books in one year.  (1 book every month all year.) Continue reading

Have you Finished The Mad Reviewer Reading Challenge? Tell me Here!

From now until January 1 this post will be a sticky on my front page.  Basically, if you’ve finished The Mad Reviewer Reading & Reviewing Challenge for 2013, please tell me here.  Leave me a comment with a link to the site where you did all of your reviews and I’ll go verify that you really did reach the level you claimed to reach.  Then I’ll post your name and the level you completed here, which also means that I’ve entered your name in my jar for the grand prize draw of internationally shipped books.  (If you need a refresher about the rules click here.)

Just as a refresher, here were the levels and the number of entries you’ll get:

1.  Mad Reviewer: 104 books in one year (4 entries)

2.  Crazy Reviewer: 52 books in one year (3 entries)

3.  Slightly Sane Reviewer: 26 books in one year (2 entries)

4.  Sane Reviewer: 12 books in one year (1 entry)

Here are some of the people that have completed the challenge so far and what levels they achieved:


1. Sharon Stevenson of Sharon Stevenson’s Blog

2.  Kim of Read Your Writes Book Reviews

3.  James of James’ Reading List

4.  Myself (Full breakdown here)


1.  Diantha Jones of DJ’s Book Corner

2.  Scatty of The Big Nerd


1.  Shirley of fordsthoughts

2.  Caleb Flanagan of 20four12


1. Ashutosh of Ashutosh’s Blog

2.  Margaret Taylor of Steam Trains and Ghosts

3.  Devina of Hot Chocolate And Books

4.  Raya of midnight coffee monster

5.  Walki of The Masquerade Crew

One Month to go in The Mad Reviewer Reading Challenge!

Yes, it’s November 30th and almost the end of another year.  My second blogging anniversary is coming up in January, but more importantly my reading and reviewing challenge will be coming to an end at 11:59pm on December 30th.  I’m hoping to announce winners the very next day, but it may be a couple days afterward as I collect the names and enter them into my draw.

So I’m basically finished.  I’m going to review a few long books (Cleopatra’s Memoirs, 11/22/63, etc.) and then add any of the long books I didn’t count from the rest of this year.  I’ve read and reviewed far more than 104 books this year and although I won’t reach my 500 review goal I’m pretty happy with how this blog has been running.

My question for you guys now is: If you’re participating in the challenge, do you think you’re going to finish?  What level are you finishing?  Will you try again next year?

And if you’re not involved in the challenge, read all about it here and tell me this: would you like to participate in the 2014 version?  Why or why not?