Tagged: revolutions

Lazy Sundays: Revolutions Podcast

After Mike Duncan’s amazing podcast The History of Rome I was pretty disappointed.  It had been a great podcast that got me through a lot of boring days at work and on the weekends and I was sad to see it go.  At the same time, I was pretty eager to see what Mike Duncan was going to do next.  Enter Revolutions.

Revolutions is a podcast chronicling several different revolutions throughout world history.  It starts with the English Revolution and once that was done we moved on to the American Revolution.  Currently we’re on the insanely complicated French Revolution and I couldn’t be happier.  Mike Duncan makes history so accessible to the average person and although he gaffes sometimes, his research is very thorough and is usually spot-on.  He combines both humour and fact to make what I thought were boring events absolutely fascinating.  So every Sunday like today I eagerly await the newest episode of Revolutions.

If you like podcasts in general or you love history, I can’t recommend it enough.  It’s free on iTunes and he runs a sort of voluntary donation service where you can do a one time donation or a monthly donation in appreciation for his efforts.  It’s pretty cool and you can check it out on his official site.

Now if you’ll excuse me I’ll be refreshing the Revolutions feed on iTunes every hour or so until the new episode comes out.