Tagged: season 5

Lazy Sundays: The House of Black and White (Game of Thrones Episode 5.02)

Warning: spoilers ahead!

When I said last week that there were changes from the books I really had no idea that this second episode would change certain things so drastically.  So my thoughts on the episode in no particular order:

1.  Once again, go Jon Snow!  Watch out for those knives in the back you’re going to attract as Lord Commander.

2.  Poor Brienne, poor Podrick.  What are they going to do now that Sansa has rejected their help?  Sure, they’re going to follow Sansa and Littlefinger but how long until they get caught or some other misfortune befalls the almost comically unlucky pair?

3.  Ooh, Bronn and Jaime are taking a guy-bonding road trip to Dorne!  I wonder what the Sand Snakes and Ellaria are going to think of that when they of course discover the conspicuous duo.

4.  What marriage proposal is Littlefinger talking about when Sansa questions him about his raven scroll?

5.  I think Daenerys did the right thing with ordering the former slave’s death for killing that master before his trial but she’s going to take a lot of flack for that.  Everyone’s going to turn against her now, just like in the books.

6.  Yay, Jaqen H’gar is back!  And Arya’s finally been accepted into the House of Black and White to become a Faceless/Nameless woman.  I hope those scenes aren’t as boring as I found them in the books.

7.  Are we going to meet the Sand Snakes yet?  So far we’re two episodes in and we’ve got exactly one mention of them when Ellaria was threatening Prince Doran.

8.  Kevan Lannister is not like his brother Tywin but he apparently does have that Lannister steel (and misogyny).  Grand Maester Pycelle also sure doesn’t seem happy about Qyburn being named Master of Whisperers.  Mace Tyrell, being of course Mace Tyrell, seems perfectly content with Cersei’s empty flattery.  He doesn’t care where the order comes from as long as he gets some recognition.

9.  Poor Shireen.  She really does have a horrible mother and I thought it was so cute to see her teaching Gilly how to read just like she taught Ser Davos.

10.  Ah, poor Tyrion.  Still drinking, still indulging in self-pity.

So what did you guys think of episode 5.02?  I thought it was a pretty solid episode and I’m kind of happy with the Jaime and Bronn trip to Dorne.  It’s a huge change from the book but I think it will certainly make things more interesting.

Lazy Sundays: The Wars to Come (Game of Thrones Episode 5.01)

Warning: spoilers ahead!

What an episode tonight, folks.  There was not much in the way of action but there’s plenty of intrigue that I’m very excited about, including some changes from the books.  So in no particular order:

1.  Go Jon Snow!  Still mopey, still defying kings.

2.  Where is Sansa going? Or rather, where is Littlefinger taking Sansa far in the west?

3.  Ooh, Lancel is now one of the Sparrows and Cersei laughed in his face when he talked about religion.  Not a good idea to laugh at zealots, Cersei…

4.  On that note, it was great to see young Cersei visiting Maggie the Frog and it introduces that all-important prophecy that will really come to haunt Cersei during the coming events.

5.  Margarey’s right: Loras better be a little more discreet about his sexual preferences.

6.  Tyrion’s going to Meereen to meet with Daenerys!  Will he meet with Ser Jorah like in the books or will the two paths collide in an entirely different way?  And will a certain mysterious character be joining Varys and Tyrion on their journey?

7.  Poor Daenerys.  Viserion and Rhaegal are totally wild and Drogon is still fully wild out in the open.  Will she crack and re-open the fighting pits at Daario’s urging or will it take a certain other man to persuade her?

So what did you guys think about the episode tonight?  Are you as excited for the rest of season 5 as I am?

The Walking Dead Discussion Thread: “Crossed”

I hadn’t really intended on straying from books so much, but hey, Sundays are lazy days for me.  So let’s talk about one of the most popular shows on TV: The Walking Dead.

I really loved last Sunday’s episode.  We got to see so much more character development on both of their parts.  I like the idea that both of them are struggling to move on from their painful pasts.  For them, the apocalypse was a sort of second chance, a chance to fit into the new normal and have a whole new family to replace the awful ones they came from.  And the fact that we got to see Atlanta again, particularly how nature is reclaiming the man-made structures.  It was sort of depressing bonus, but a bonus nonetheless.

The cliffhanger ending at the end of ‘Consumed’ is partly why I’m so psyched for ‘Crossed’.  But there’s more to it than that:

To me, it looks like Daryl and Noah are going to go back to the church and get Rick and the group to come storm the hospital.  Carol’s life is still in danger because of her injuries, though.  Will they make it in time?  And will everyone make it out alive?

I’m not sure.  What do you guys think?