Tagged: vanity publishing

Self-Publishing: A Reviewer’s Perspective

Over the past 3 years that I’ve taken more of an interest in learning about the publishing industry, my views on self-publishing have been varied.  As I seem to be cursed with the ability to see both sides of nearly every issue, I can understand where both supporters and opponents of self-publishing are coming from.  But as a book reviewer, my views on self-publishing have taken on a new angle and are likely different than Joe Schmoe off the street.  What are these views exactly?  Well, read on to get a good look at how complex my opinion on this is.

Good: Books that normally would not be published are being published.

Bad: Books that normally would not be published are being published.

One of the good things about self-publishing is that it gets out some excellent books that would never be accepted by major publishing houses.  Maybe the book is too controversial, unusual or the publisher doesn’t think there’s a market for it (note that these three things are not mutually exclusive).  These are the kinds of self-published books that I love.  On the other hand, sometimes there are good reasons for major publishers not accepting it.  Like the fact that it is complete crap designed to fulfill its creator’s fantasies. Continue reading