The Return of the Weird Search Terms

Yes folks, the weird search terms are back!  The number of search terms I’ve received for Game of Thrones is up because of season four premiering on April 6 (yay!) but the number of weird search terms are up again.  Here are just some of the weirdest/funniest ones:

unsimulated sex scenes archive

is divergent anti christan

dj mainwolf

the outsiders is a crappy book

opera mad by 4

something bad about women in writing

hateful romance

were slaves buried alive in pyramids

jealous word

use a model to discuss your christmas holiday

can too much reading make mad

just naked people

why is it weird for people to change naked

nude men people

women dislike male nudity

Well, these are all weird.  There’s really nothing else to say aside from what is with all the people searching for naked people?  No, let me rephrase that: Why do people searching for naked people come to my blog and not a porn site?  I guess it’s one of life’s great mysteries.

So what do you think of these search terms?  What are some of the weirdest search terms you’ve ever had?