Discussion: Being Open About Blogging Statistics

As you guys have obviously realized, I’m very open about my blogging statistics.  I’ve been doing my monthly “The Best and Worst of…” series since September 2012, about 9 months after I first started blogging.  I don’t think statistics are something to brag about or be embarrassed about.  They simply are.  Why I publicize them is mostly because I like to analyze them and hear other people’s thoughts and commentary on said analysis.  It’s nice to share ideas about why some posts are more popular than others or why my views spike/drop in a particular month.

Another reason is because when I started blogging I was looking into what book blogging statistics typically looked like and came up with zero information.  I want to help new bloggers have some more realistic expectations about how many hits they’re going to get in the beginning as well as how their monthly stats aren’t going to grow at a consistent rate.

With that said, not every blogger is as open about their statistics.  Some are even more open about their statistics and go so far as to do fancy pie charts and graphs about their traffic.  It all seems to come down to the individual, which makes sense.  Some people like me are a little bit more focused on their stats than others.  At the same time, there are people who don’t care about their stats at all.  Neither approach is better than the other; they’re simply different.

What I want to know now is: Are you, as a blogger, open about your stats?  Why or why not?  Do you enjoy it when bloggers share their stats or do you think it’s more of a bragging thing?  And, do you think bloggers in general should be more open about their stats?


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