Discussion: Local Authors
Here in my corner of northern Saskatchewan I’m pretty remote. I’m at least two and a half hours away from where any famous person would want to have any sort of event and am four hours away from the nearest city where there’s actually a significant population. Therefore I don’t get the normal things other book bloggers do, like local author/publisher events. That doesn’t really bother me except that I feel like I’m missing out on something. However, I did meet an author from Alberta at a blueberry festival/farmer’s market at the end of August so I actually got to talk shop with someone. It was quite nice for a change, actually.
What I’m wondering is this: If you’re a blogger in a larger city centre, do you make an effort to reach out to local authors? Do you go to a lot of author and/or publisher events? Why or why not? Conversely, if you’re an author, do you try to reach out to local bloggers?