Lazy Sundays: December is Insane
[I may do these Lazy Sundays features once in a while when I really don’t have anything of substance to post on the weekend. We’ll see.]
Okay, so December is insane. Not the actual month, but all the things that people plan in that month. In a small town, that also means that the same people have to put on all of these events. That means that on Friday I was Santa’s helper at the Santa Day event, Saturday I worked a crazy shift at work and today I worked at Bingo for the school community council to raise money for a new playground. I didn’t have a day to myself this whole week. (Plus, the bingo crowd takes life way, way too seriously.)
Basically, my brain is mush. I’m organizing a canned food drive for the local charity, trying to help raise money for a new playground (which is insanely expensive) and just generally helping out with community events. Everyone has so many events planned in this single month that it’s insane. Ugh.
At least my boss is going on holiday to Mexico for two weeks at the end of the month. Then I’ll finally have time to myself!
So how is your December? Is it just as crazy as mine?
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