Spring Cleaning

One of the things I’ve struggled with since I was little is cleaning.  I admit it: at home I’m a natural slob.  So yesterday and today when I sensed a cleaning urge coming on I dropped everything and started my spring cleaning.  It’s not often that I feel like cleaning so I figured I better do it before my place starts to look like a hoarder moved in.  So I haven’t exactly had much time to read, therefore there was no review on Monday.  However, I’m hoping to finish things up later today and get back on my usual posting schedule.

At work we’ve been doing spring cleaning of a sort as well, mainly re-doing all of the tags in the store to reflect new prices and manufacturers.  It’s a pain in the butt yet it definitely needs to be done before the tourist inundation starts around the end of May.

So I’ve been cleaning both at work and at home.  Do you guys do spring cleaning of a sort?  Are you naturally a slob like me?  How has your day been going?