Category: Uncategorized

Book Tour Poll Results

A few days ago I asked you guys whether or not you did blog tours for books and if you did, how often.  The results were actually pretty surprising.

The most popular answer was “Yes, around 2-5 per month” at 43%.  I expected the second-most popular answer to be the 1-2 per month answer but instead it was a tie between 5-10 per month and only one every few months or so.  That’s a pretty fair spread in answers but it does make sense.  Some people sign up for tour sites and do book tours constantly while others only do tours for books or authors they really, really love and want to read their books early.  That was actually one of the main reasons I joined certain tour sites that I hardly ever tour with anymore.  I only really signed up for Xpresso book tours because they have the occasional big name author that I love.  Masquerade Tours is definitely my go-to place for discovering new indie books, though.

So basically, most of my respondents did around 2-5 tours per month (which can be book blasts, book reviews, interviews, guest posts, etc.) while the rest were pretty spread out in the frequency spectrum.

What do you guys think?  If you’re a book blogger, do you participate in tours fairly often or only rarely?  What are the most common types of tour posts for you?

Lazy Sundays: Game of Thrones Withdrawal

Right now I’m between series and there’s nothing to watch on TV because there’s normally nothing to watch on TV but in summer it’s especially bad.  Game of Thrones is done and after talking about it at least once a week for ten weeks the withdrawal feelings are bad.  In addition to that The Walking Dead isn’t back for season six until two days before my birthday (it releases October 11).  And I can’t even content myself with watching re-runs from both series’ season fives because they’re not out on DVD yet.  Normally I’m not overly disappointed with television shows but since I’ve been cooped up in the house for a week I’m getting a little TV-obsessed.  No, it’s not healthy and yes, I need to get out a little more.

In regards to the severe Game of Thrones withdrawal symptoms, I’m also very worried about book 6, The Winds of Winter because I know it isn’t coming out this year.  (I believe Martin’s publisher announced something to that effect.)  I really, really hope that Martin does get to finish the series eventually because although the TV show is great, I definitely prefer the books in a lot of ways.

Well, I’m just going to have to deal with my extremely first world problems until February 2016 when the Season 5 DVD comes out.  In the meantime I’m going to work on trying to get outside now that I’m somewhat healed up and maybe start gently working out again.  Maybe I can start the House of Cards TV series, which comes highly recommended from my equally geeky coworker.

How was your Sunday?

Poll: Do you do Book Tours?

For some bloggers, book tours are all they seem to do on their blogs.  Others never host book tours.  But at the end of the day, most bloggers seem to find a happy medium between the two.  As you guys have noticed over the years, I’m affiliated with a couple of tour companies but only really participate in a few blog tours a month, sometimes even less.  It really depends on what else I’m posting as well as how interested I am in a particular book or author.

And as always, if you have any additional thoughts or opinions please leave them in the comments section below.

NetGalley vs. Edelweiss Poll Results

Well folks, it’s been about a week since I had my NetGalley vs. Edelweiss poll and the results are definitely in.  I asked you which galley site you prefer: NetGalley, Edelweiss, both or neither.  The overwhelming majority of you (71%) favoured NetGalley while only 14% favoured Edelweiss over NetGalley.  Meanwhile, another approximately 14% of people liked both equally.  What was really interesting was the comments section, though.

In the comments section I found out that people liked the different sites for different reasons:


  • Very easy to navigate
  • Easy to request books
  • Keeps track of statistics


  • Some more exclusive publishers
  • No self-published books
  • Does not keep track of statistics

One of the interesting things I found was that some people like that NetGalley keeps track of your review ratio (which I personally love) while others hated NetGalley because of that.  Those people preferred Edelweiss because it doesn’t track statistics so you are more willing to take chances on unknown books and not have to review them.  (Personally if I can’t review a book I just leave a little note in the ‘Feedback’ category on the book to that effect but I can understand the other side of the argument.)

Basically more people liked NetGalley because it’s easier to navigate but everyone who preferred Edelweiss liked it because it gives you access to books and publishers that NetGalley doesn’t.  It essentially comes down to personal preference with publishers and types of books as well as a willingness to sit down and figure the crazy layout that is the Edelweiss site.

Me, I’m still going to stick to NetGalley but thank you guys so much for sharing your thoughts about both galley sites.

Lazy Sundays: A Little Nervous

Tomorrow morning at 8:30am I have to be at the hospital for my tonsillectomy and I must admit that with a little less than 12 hours to go I’m a bit nervous.  Okay, maybe I’m a lot nervous.  Logically, I know everything is almost 100% guaranteed to go just fine and I’ll experience some pain afterward but will statistically be okay.  Emotionally, I can’t help being as nervous as a teenage girl on her first-ever date.  My blood pressure is probably through the roof right now and it doesn’t really help that I’m going to have to start my fast pretty soon.

I’m not really looking forward to going on a forced liquid diet because I really do love good solid food but I think I’ll live.  Having my tonsils out will be a good step toward a better quality of life as I won’t constantly be getting tonsillitis.  I also won’t have the snoring problem that I’ve acquired recently as my tonsils now remain swollen almost constantly.

Like I said I have posts scheduled for pretty much the whole week after my surgery so things will remain pretty constant here on The Mad Reviewer.  I’ll probably do a post when I’m home and feeling up to it so you guys know I’m still alive but other than that things will be pretty routine.

See ya around!