Tagged: all travelled out

All Travelled Out

I am so done with planes, vacations and work.  That’s why I’ve scheduled posts for the next three or so days and will be holed up in my house catching up on sleep and food.  Don’t expect me to be very active on social media, but please tweet me if I still haven’t responded to one of the comments you left here.  The hotel wi-fi was not exactly the greatest, but I did try to respond to all comments.

Also: I have absolutely no plans to travel for the rest of 2013.  It’s too darn exhausting, but I’ll probably end up eating my words.  As usual.

To sum things up in the next few days you can expect virtually no presence from me, lots of book reviews, a pictures post for my vacation and a new books post.  I don’t think I can be coherent anymore, so goodnight/good morning/good afternoon wherever you guys are!