Tagged: book bloggers

The Mad Reviewer Reading and Reviewing Challenge 2014 Sign Up

The Mad Reviewer Reading Challenge ButtonThe 2013 Mad Reviewing Reading & Reviewing Challenge is still in progress of course but I’m liking it so much that I figured I may as well start people on the sign up sheet.  The challenge is the same as last year:

The Mad Reviewer Reading Challenge is to read and review (either on Goodreads, Amazon or your own blog) 104 books in one year starting January 1, 2014 and ending December 31, 2014.

I’m fully aware that not everyone has time to read 104 books which is why I’ve created different levels of the challenge that you can aspire to:

1.  Mad Reviewer: 104 books in one year. (2 books a week all year.)

2.  Crazy Reviewer: 52 books in one year. (1 book a week all year.)

3.  Slightly Sane Reviewer: 26 books in one year. (1 book every fortnight all year.)

4.  Sane Reviewer: 12 books in one year.  (1 book every month all year.) Continue reading

Discussion: Do Reviews Affect Your Book Buying Decisions?

Due to the fact that I’ve had a lot of free time this week, I’ve been thinking about my blog a lot more.  What is the point of reviewing?  Do people read my reviews?  Is having a lot of reviews from book blogs a plus for self-published authors?

Of all of these questions, one really stuck in my mind.  Do reviews affect your book buying decisions?  For example, if you see that a book has a lot of five star reviews on Amazon that sound legitimate and offer reasons for their praise, does it make you more likely to read the book?  Or, if you find that your favourite book blogger has reviewed a book do you go check it out and maybe buy it?

Personally I look at books that interest me and then look at the reviews on Amazon and/or Goodreads.  What were some of the pluses?  What were some of the things reviewers didn’t like?  Reviews aren’t the be-all end-all factor in my book buying decisions, but they sure do have some influence.  Another thing I’ve noticed is that if one of my book blogger friends has reviewed a book and I think it sounds cool I am much more likely to go out and buy that book because I become aware of its existence.  Maybe that’s just me.

So my question for you guys is this: Do reviews affect your book buying decisions?  Why or why not?  And if so, to what extent?

Professionalism and Book Blogging

I’ve had a lot of things on my mind lately, but the main one has been professionalism.  Both in real life and here on my blog if I’m perfectly honest.  In real life I wear my professionalism like armour because I am in a male-dominated industry with mainly male clientele.  I’ve found that I’ve been doing the same thing here on my blog although writing certainly isn’t male-dominated any longer.

Everyone has differing opinions about whether book bloggers should conduct themselves in professional or semi-professional manners, whether they should be charging for book reviews (good or bad) and whether unpaid bloggers like myself should have a certain degree of professionalism in their conduct.  (Especially when it pertains to our dealings with authors.)

As much as I wish I could sometimes, I have no control over the conduct of others.  But I have total control over my own.  So here are some thoughts on my complex relationship with professionalism:


1.  All dealings with authors are as professional as possible until I’ve developed some sort of rapport with them.

Basically, when an author contacts me for a review and my submissions are open I try to behave like I do at work with a client.  Once an author and I develop a certain rapport, it’s okay to be a little informal.  Would I behave as I do with my closest friends?  Of course not.  But there’s nothing wrong with a little teasing and banter as long as it’s mutual.  I’ve made some pretty awesome author friends that way: Diantha Jones, Andy Szpuk and Luciana Cavallaro just to name a few.


2.  My personal friendships with authors don’t affect my reviews.

As you guys have noticed the author friends I’ve mentioned here are ones I’ve given good reviews to previously.  Do I give them good reviews because I consider them internet friends?  No.  I’d give my own late grandmother a bad review if I felt that her writing wasn’t up to snuff.  (As it just so happens, she wrote a beautiful memoir before she died and her writing is, in fact, excellent.)  Although it seems like a lot of authors have trouble with this concept I believe that generally the book and the author are separate.  Criticizing a book means you are criticizing someone’s work, not them personally.  It’s a thin line for some, but it’s a very important distinction from my point of view.

"Priorities" Road Sign with dramatic clouds and sky.

3.  Blogging is important to me, but it’s not my main priority.

While I like to think I do devote quite a bit of time to my blogging I’ve always acknowledged that while my blog is high on my priorities, it’s not my top priority in life.  I work six days a week and this winter I’m taking on even more work to help subsidize my trip to BEA 2015.  So are my posts always going to be super top quality?  No, but they’re going to be the best I can do at the time.  Will I be all caught up with my author review requests by Christmas?  Sadly, probably not.

And that’s why I’ll never call myself a professional blogger.  To be a truly professional blogger I’d have to dedicate far more time to my blog than I can at the moment.  20 hours a week is more than enough at this point so I’ll stick with my semi-professionalism.


4.  Full disclosure to my readers is not something I will compromise on.  Ever.

Call it the wannabe journalist in me, but there is one thing I will never compromise on and that’s telling the truth.  If I received a book for free from an author in exchange for a review I’ll tell you at the beginning of said review.  If an author friend asks me if I can post about this upcoming special sale they’re having I will as long as I’ve read and enjoyed their previous work and add a caveat in the post.  If I’m posting for a blog tour, I’ll also let you know.  If I’ve personally approached an author asking if I can review their book, I’ll definitely let you know.

You guys, my readers, have the right to know where my books come from and what possible influences or biases I have.  That way you can decide for yourself whether to trust me or not.  I’ve been as transparent as possible on this blog and I really hope that shows.


So now I want to hear from you guys: What do you think of my tidbits about my own professionalism?  Do you share the same philosophies?  Do you disagree with some of the things I’ve said?  I’m genuinely curious here because professionalism is a pretty hot button topic within the reading and writing communities.  Please let me know in the comments below.

Discussion: DNF Reviews

For those of you that aren’t fluent in reviewer-speak, DNF reviews are reviews where the person did not finish the book.  Thus the abbreviation DNF.  DNF reviews are a little controversial in the blogging world and I’ll break down the two main points here:

Against: You can’t really judge the quality of a book if you didn’t finish it.  If you’re going to do a review you should be able to discuss all elements, including major plot points that may appear later on, character arcs, etc.

For: DNF reviews are a useful tool for reviewers to let people know that they gave a book a try but really couldn’t finish it because they hated it, were bored, etc.

Personally, I’m on the fence with this one.  If you’ve gotten half way through a book but can’t physically force yourself to read it anymore, I think a short DNF review is acceptable.  However, if you’ve only read a couple of chapters you should just chalk it up as a waste of time and not leave a review.  After all, you can’t really criticize everything about a book if you haven’t read all of it.

But now I’m curious: What do you guys think of DNF reviews?  Love ’em, hate ’em, couldn’t care either way?  If you’re a reviewer, do you ever write them or would consider writing them?  Why or why not?

How to Write a Review Request

Sometimes I think things are so obvious that I couldn’t possibly need to write a tutorial on them.  Review requests seem like basic common sense to me, but judging from the number of requests I’m still getting despite having closed submissions over a month ago shows that some authors have no idea what the heck they’re doing.  So in my usual list format I’m going to go through the steps of writing a book review request email that won’t make reviewers want to punch you.

Review Policy

Credit: Eating Y.A. Books


Due to the generally family-friendly nature of this blog I am resisting the urge to swear to emphasize my point.  Regardless, the first thing you should ever do when visiting a book review blog looking for a blogger to review your book is read their review policy.  How do you find a review policy?  Well, it’s either under its own tab at the top or side of the web page or is generally under FAQs.  If it’s not under any of those, use the search bar.  Once you find a reviewer’s policy, ask yourself these questions while reading it:

a)  Is this reviewer open to submissions?

b)  Is my book in the acceptable genre list?

c)  Does my book meet any other requirements?

d)  What other information do I need to collect in order to make a request? Continue reading