Tagged: book reviews

The Best and Worst of June

Well, it’s that time of month again.  The time for the recap of my 5 best and 5 worst posts of June.  The statistics are wildly different than they were when I did my May recap, as you’ll notice.  So here are the five best articles, not counting my homepage or site announcements.

1.  Flowers for Algernon by Daniel Keyes

2.  The Giver by Lois Lowry

3.  The Hunger Games and Ancient Rome

4.  City of Bones by Cassandra Clare

5.  The White Queen by Philippa Gregory

It’s hard to believe The Giver is right up there because school’s been out in America for a month, which is where most of my traffic comes from.  But what’s really surprising is that The White Queen cracked the list while The Hunger Games and Ancient Rome article fell to third place.  Now, here are the surprising five worst articles of June:

1.  Pretties by Scott Westerfeld

2. YA Release Dates to Look Forward To

3.  Skinned by Robin Wasserman

4.  Graceling by Kristin Cashore

5.  Isabel: Jewel of Castilla by Carolyn Meyer

What’s surprising about the five worst articles and book reviews is that not one of them appeared on my May list, which means that the worst articles are at least rotating every month.  However, I’m surprised none of the Pauline Gedge books appear on the list because she’s not exactly a well-known author outside of historical fiction circles.  C’est la vie.

The Mad Reviewer is now Accepting Guest Posts

As you probably know (my regular readers anyway) I already have a wonderful guest poster, Savindi from The Streetlight Reader.  She does an absolutely amazing job and guest posts pretty much whenever I ask her, usually a few times per month.  It’s great that she does that for me, but I’ve been thinking of getting a few more people to guest post once or twice.  Do you think you’d like to guest post here?  Well, here’s some criteria:

1.  You must write a book review or an article on books, preferably something teens can read.  This is supposed to be a YA blog, after all, so I try to have content that young adults would like to read.  If you’re writing a book review, it had better not be on a book I’ve already read.  But if you have a different opinion on an article I wrote, that’s fine. Continue reading

My 100th Book Review

As you may or may not know, tomorrow I will be posting my 100th review!  It’s been less than four months and I can’t believe I’ve already reached 100 book reviews.  When I started The Mad Reviewer, I never imagined I’d get very far, but I’m happy with where I am now.  And who do I have to thank?  My lovely readers of course!  It’s your wonderful comments and our long discussions that keep me motivated to continue with my blog.  So give yourselves a pat on the back and turn up on Saturday to see my 100th book review.