Tagged: guest posting

Wondrous Strange by Lesley Livingston

Yes, I know, this is the second day in a row I’m away guest posting.  That’s just how things worked out this week, though.  If you like faeries, you might want to check out Wondrous Strange by Lesley Livingston.  It’s not my favourite book, but maybe it will turn out better for you!

Autumn: The City by David Moody

Today I’m guest posting over at 20four12 again, this time I’m reviewing the sequel to the first book I reviewed over there: Autumn: The City by David Moody.  It’s a non-traditional zombie tale that never, ever uses the dreaded Z word.  So how effective is David Moody at creating suspense?  Well, let’s just say I’ve never been held in that much suspense since I read my first Stephen King novel.  While you’re over at Caleb’s awesome blog, check out his other reviews.  He’s read far more science fiction than I ever will!

The Eleventh Plague by Jeff Hirsch

Today I’m guest posting over at Steam Trains and Ghosts for Margaret.  I reviewed a post apocalyptic novel that has a male protagonist but no zombies.  How is that possible?  Well, go on and check it out here!  And while you’re there, check out the rest of Margaret’s site for a healthy dose of steampunk.

20four12: Fablehaven by Brandon Mull

This week it’s my turn to post over at 20four12 so I reviewed Fablehaven by Brett Mull, a book that I borrowed from a good friend of mine.  It is one of her favourite books, but to see my thoughts on it, head on over to 20four12!  And while you’re over there you should check out the rest of Caleb’s site for your daily recommended dosage of science fiction.

Guest Posting at The Streetlight Reader

Today I’m guest posting over at The Streetlight Reader.  Once again I’ve stepped outside my comfort zone and read a girl empowerment book by Gail Carson Levine: Ella Enchanted, a Cinderella retelling.  It’s fantasy, but it also carries some very powerful messages that all young girls should learn.  Go on and check it out!  And while you’re there, check out the other books Savindi has reviewed; the books she reads are very different from what I normally read and review.