Tagged: kittens

Introducing Tyrion

DSCN1757[1]Some of you may remember a little more than a month ago when I introduced this little guy as New Kitty and wasn’t quite sure of his gender yet.  Well, I’m absolutely certain it’s a boy and I’ve got a much better feel for his personality.  Therefore, he is now known as Tyrion and I’m taking him home with me on Friday.

Part of the fact I named him Tyrion is because I’m just a huge Game of Thrones fan and Tyrion is one of my favourite characters.  The other part was this little guy’s personality.  Although he wasn’t when I named him, now he’s the smallest of his litter of six and he’s pretty much always picked on by the dominant one I’ve nicknamed Cow (he’s white with black spots much like a cow).  Still, he always has lots to say and lately he’s been perfecting his strategy to attack Cow.  Rather than facing him directly he loves dropping in on him from a bit of a height where he has an advantage.  So, you could say that ‘Tyrion’ is the perfect name for my new cat.

Since today was a really, really awful, terribly sad day for both myself and my community, here are some bonus kitten pictures.  Cats are generally less terrible than human beings, after all:

DSCN1741[1]The entire litter in their sleeping spot.

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