Tagged: my new york trip

My New York Trip Day #4: BEA Book Bloggers Convention


Okay, let’s talk about what I did all day: the BEA 2015 Book Bloggers Convention!

DSCN20188:00-9:00am: The first thing that happened was the badge pick up with a rather pathetic continental breakfast.  Of course the nice one was reserved for the ABA, not the poor bloggers!  There was nary any fruit to be seen on our table, let alone juice.  So I ended up having to be content with one sad looking muffin since I don’t drink coffee.  I’m not complaining but I just thought it would be a little more impressive than that.  Especially since they made such a fuss about it in all of the emails. Continue reading

My New York Trip Day #3: The Metropolitan Museum of Art

DSCN1948Today I was awake enough to go and attempt the Metropolitan Museum of Art.  It’s something that I’ve wanted to see since I learned that they had an enormous Egyptian wing.  As you guys obviously know by now, I’m a big fan of ancient Egypt so there was no way I’d miss out on this opportunity!  But once I got in the doors, I was overwhelmed.  The museum is even bigger than I’d thought so I decided to head to the Greco-Roman wing first, thinking I’d hit the Egyptian section later.  Wrong!  I got to the museum at 11:00 and left at 5:00 and that was barely enough time to appreciate everything in that wing from the Romans, Greeks and Etruscans.

DSCN1950One of the things I was constantly and consistently amazed by was the quality of metal work displayed in the early Greek civilization.  I believe these are some Minoan or Cretan gold fragments and they’re even more impressive up close.  The beautiful amount of detail the ancients managed on these tiny little gold pieces is fabulous.  Later on their gold work gets even more intricate but even in their early civilization they created just amazing works of art. Continue reading

My New York Trip Day #2: Travelling and Sightseeing

DSCN1938[1]Okay, Pearson Airport in Toronto is officially a nightmare!  It’s even worse than it was two years ago!  They’ve moved the signs around because of construction and none of the employees seem to know where anything is anymore so it’s not like I could stop and ask directions.  Now the whole airport is way more counter-intuitive than it used to be.

After getting off the flight from Edmonton I had to of course go through U.S. customs and immigration.  This was a nightmare.  First off, I had to find the stupid thing (which was not labelled and was concealed down a tiny hallway under construction).  Secondly, I had to deal with the most miserable, surly security people I’ve ever dealt with.  And it’s not like this is my first time flying anywhere.  Every single person there looked like they’d rather be anything but there and God forbid you asked them a question about what you were supposed to do next.  They’d look at you like you admitted you loved killing kittens or something equally horrible.

The flight to New York was short and relatively pleasant because I had a window seat so I could prop my head against the side and sleep the whole time.  I fell asleep just after the security demonstration and didn’t wake up until we began our descent.  So when I got to the hotel after one wild cab ride I was relatively awake but still rather exhausted.  I slept a little bit before deciding to venture out and try my hand at the metro.  It was a little confusing at first but I eventually got the hang of it.

DSCN1944[1]The first thing I did was go to Union Square for the farmer’s market.  I picked up a little bit of local honey as well as some apples, cherries and bananas.  It’s expensive to eat in New York so that’s my snack food for mornings and mid-afternoons.  Good thing there’s a bakery near where I’m staying!  There’s nothing like a little fresh baked bread slathered with honey, is there?

After the farmer’s market I continued down on Broadway to go visit the Strand Bookstore, the famous ’18 mile of books’ one.  And I have to say I was actually quite impressed.  I bought more books than I should have and to be honest, you could probably leave me in there for a week and I’d be perfectly content to explore.  Yes, it’s that big.  I also went to go check out the Barnes & Noble store near the farmer’s market.  Why would I do that?  Well, it’s five storeys tall and the building looks at least a hundred years old so I had to go snoop.

DSCN1939[1]Now it’s only 9:00 at night local time and I’m utterly exhausted so I’ll leave you with the above picture from my hotel room window.  A longer essay will follow tomorrow because I’m going to the Metropolitan Museum of Art and you guys know how long-winded I get where history is concerned.

My New York Trip Day #1: Travelling

DSCN1937[1]So Sunday was officially the start of my New York trip.  I left in the late afternoon for Edmonton International Airport and then caught my overnight flight to Toronto (pictured above).  The trip was exhausting because I was in the middle seat and thus couldn’t sleep because my head lolls to the side automatically.  I must admit I was also a little too excited to sleep properly.

That was all I did on Sunday!  My Monday update will be a little more exciting.