Tagged: poll

Change and Contemplation

I’ve been thinking a lot about some new things I can do to change things up here on The Mad Reviewer.  Articles, book reviews and interviews are fine, but I find that I’m getting bored with writing the same things all of the time and I’m sure you’re getting bored with reading the same things all of the time.  That’s why I searched around the internet to see if I could shamelessly steal borrow ideas from other book reviewers.  I’m not going to give too much away because I want some things to be surprises, but here are some things I’ve thought of:

  1. Articles about how certain historical figures are often portrayed in fiction, especially figures in ancient history.  I know a lot more about ancient history than I do about any other period, so expect a lot of Roman, Greek and Egyptian articles.
  2. The Best and Worst…sequels, opening lines, characters, etc.
  3. An in-depth look at books that became movies and what my opinion is of them as compared to the general consensus of fans.

However, there’s one thing I want to ask you guys:

So what do you think of these ideas?  Do you have any of your own?  You can always comment or email me if you want an article on a specific book-related topic.

What is Your Favourite Genre?

My favourite genre is a definite toss up between historical fiction and fantasy fiction.  Yes, I know I complain about fantasy a lot, but there is a lot of unique stuff out there when you look.  But what I want to know is, what’s your favourite genre?  And if you have time, why is it your favourite genre?  Please vote and tell me in the comments below!