Tagged: prizes

Blog Tour: The Path of the Fallen by Dan O’Brien

As a side note, those of you who want to see my review of The Path of the Fallen can do so here.  I loved the book so much that when Dan O’Brien contacted me to ask if I’d be interested in the tour, I agreed to help out!

Welcome to the sixth day of The Path of the Fallen blog tour. It will run until July 8th and will feature excerpts, new author interviews each day, character interviews, and a casting call by the author. But first, here is the obligatory blurb about the novel to settle you into this sprawling fantasy world:
Set against the backdrop of the tundra and a world desperate for hope, the journey of a young man, E’Malkai, will come to define a realm that has been broken by an evil that does not sleep. A bitter betrayal, and the inception of a war that will consume the world, forces E’Malkai to confront the past and undertake a pilgrimage that is his birthright. Follow him on his journey and be transformed. 
An interview with the characters from The Path of the Fallen:
As I sit down at my computer, I am struck by the eerie presence of someone behind me. Leaving behind the blinking cursor, I realize that the cast of my latest novel, The Path of the Fallen, are standing behind me. E’Malkai, sullen and burdened by the weight of the pilgrimage he has undertaken, stands behind the immovable figure of his Umordoc guardian, Elcites. Arms crossed over his chest, his gaze unsettles me despite how much time I have spent in his company whilst writing The Path of the Fallen. Arile, proud hunter of the north, leans against his spear and inspects the wall with a carefree look upon his face. Fe’rein, shrouded in the darkness that complements him so well, seethes with a dark mix of irritation and confidence. Continue reading

The Mad Reviewer Reading Challenge Has Begun

UPDATE: The lovely Ms. Diantha Jones designed this button for me, which you can all paste on your blogs as part of the challenge if you like.  Just please link the picture to my first challenge post here.

The Mad Review Reading Challenge

Well it’s January 1, 2013 and so my reading challenge has now started.  In case you missed it, I figured out how I’m going to do the draw.

1.  Mad Reviewer: 104 books in one year (4 entries)

2.  Crazy Reviewer: 52 books in one year (3 entries)

3.  Slightly Sane Reviewer: 26 books in one year (2 entries)

4.  Sane Reviewer: 12 books in one year (1 entry)

I am still figuring out the exact prize, which will likely be larger than I first thought because Mark Lee of The Masquerade Crew is once again helping me out by pooling our resources.  That’s really all I can say right now, but just know that the prize is likely more than just one free book.

I forgot to mention that if you’re new here and want to join the challenge, be my guest!  Anyone can join between now and the deadline (11:59pm Central Time December 31, 2013).  Anyone who reaches their first goal can upgrade and head on to the next level or if they don’t reach their high goal, will have the number rounded off to the next lowest level. Continue reading