Tagged: look what just arrived #13

Look What Just Arrived! (#13)

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAYes, it’s that time again: book buying time.  I’m not even going to try to justify my addiction at this point.  Basically I have lots of reading to get done over the holidays and I can’t wait!

Here are my new books:

  • The Stone of Light: Nefer the Silent by Christian Jacq
  • The Stone of Light: The Wise Woman by Christian Jacq
  • The Stone of Light: The Place of Truth by Christian Jacq
  • Accursed Women by Luciana Cavallaro
  • A Dance with Dragons by George R. R. Martin
  • The Sorcerer: The Fort at River’s Bend by Jack Whyte
  • Marie Antoinette: The Journey by Antonia Fraser

The reason why I have so many books this time around is that the owners of the local bookstore I frequent sometimes set books aside for me.  When I saw they had set aside 3/5 books of The Stone of Light series (gently used) I couldn’t help but buy them.  They look like excellent novels and I’ve actually heard of Christian Jacq before, so for $4 each I figured why not give them a try?

Accursed Women is a collection of 5 short stories by Luciana Cavallaro.  She sent it to me partly so I could review her latest short story about Medusa, but also as a way of saying thank you for your reviews.  (After all, I did review 4 ebook copies of her first four short stories.)  I really appreciate when authors do that so I was quite happy to receive this book in the mail.

As you guys know I’m a fan of Game of Thrones, both the books and the television show.  Yet I was too cheap to buy A Dance with Dragons when it was still in hardcover, so on the day the paperback edition was released I bought myself one.  Yes, I know I’m a horrible cheapskate.  The same goes for when I was browsing the used section of the bookstore and saw one of the books in Jack Whyte’s amazing A Dream of Eagles series.  Who could resist?

Marie Antoinette: The Journey was meant as a gift for someone until I realized that it was nonfiction.  From the blurb it had sounded like fiction, but that just goes to show that one should always read carefully when they’re unsure of a book’s genre.  So I decided to read the book myself and so far, so good.  Antonia Fraser has a decent writing style for a nonfiction writer.

These are what I’m reading/will be reading soon.  What are you reading now?  See anything you like here?