Tagged: nothing is free

Nothing is Free

Rant Mode: On.

Today I got a very generic email from a blogger that wanted me to promote their blog here on The Mad Reviewer.  Here is a copy of the email:

Hey I was just wondering if you’d have a look at my blog (www.anotherpretentiousteenagethemedblog.com) and if you enjoy it would you mind promoting it on your blog?
I loved your list!

Okay, so the domain name isn’t real but I’m certainly not giving the person in question the publicity they were asking for.  I sent them a reply, not-so-politely informing them that I do not work for free.  Thus, my rant today: nothing is free.

But wait, Carrie, you say.  Don’t you run this blog for free?  Don’t you guest post for free?  Don’t you review books for free?

Eh, not really. Continue reading