Tagged: orson scott card

Discussion: Separating the Creator From Their Work

This is definitely one of the more controversial topics I’ve discussed here on The Mad Reviewer but it’s also one that I don’t quite have a concrete stance on.

Basically, what happens if the creator of some of your favourite works (be they books, movies, comics, whatever) has opinions you disagree with strongly?  Personally I couldn’t care less about the political and/or religious views of most authors as long as their books don’t preach at me constantly.  As for authors in the past that have let sexist, racist and homophobic views seep into their work I always take it with a grain of salt because their views were generally consistent with the times.

At the same time, because of his vocal and financial support of anti gay groups I have hesitated in picking up any novels by Orson Scott Card.  I know he’s a giant in the science fiction genre and is by all reports an excellent writer but it feels wrong to me to support someone who is so hateful.  In my reviews I never let an author’s personal life colour my opinion of the book, but that doesn’t mean that I won’t pick up a book because I vehemently disagree with an author’s very public stance on an issue.

In general I’d have to say I don’t care about what stances an author takes in public or private.  That’s their business.  Yet sometimes when people espouse such hatred I don’t feel right lending support to an author by giving them a review and therefore publicity on my blog.  It’s a complicated subject to be sure.

What do you think of this topic?  Do you choose not to support creators whose views you disagree with?  Why or why not?  And if so, is it only in certain circumstances like when they actually financially support groups you disagree with?  Or do you not care about the views of your favourite artist/author/director because you separate them from their work?