Tagged: re-reading books

Discussion: Books You Love to Re-Read

Some books are so terrible they probably never should be read.  Some books are good but only really deserve a once-over.  Great books deserve multiple re-reads.  And since peoples’ tastes in books are so different, everyone has a different book that they love to read again and again and again.  I know I have several!

One of the books that I like to read at least once a year is The Return Man by V. M. Zito.  It’s such an unique, highly emotional zombie apocalypse story that every single time I read it I discover something new that I hadn’t noticed before.  The same goes for the entire Newsflesh trilogy by Mira Grant; you can’t help but love Shaun and Georgia.  One of my new favourite re-reads is Aranya by Marc Secchia because the fantasy world he created is so vivid that like the previous books, you discover something new every single time that you hadn’t noticed before.  I’ve re-read the entire Harry Potter series about once every two or three years since I was 9 years old (although when I was 9 not all of the books were out).  And I think I’ve re-read Diantha Jones’ Oracle of Delphi series at least three or four times since finishing the third and latest book in anticipation of the fourth book coming out soon.  I’m also currently re-reading A Song of Ice and Fire.

So what I want to know now is this: What are some of your favourite books to read over and over again?  Why?

Discussion: Re-Reading Childhood Favourites

In the past few weeks I’ve re-read both Angeline and A Girl Named Disaster, both of which I read when I was quite young and absolutely loved.  Of course books that you liked as a child aren’t usually as good as you remember them, but I was surprised that Angeline was still pretty darn good.  A Girl Named Disaster was sort of a disappointment in that I have no idea how I finished it when I was eleven or twelve because it bored me to tears this time around.

So re-reading childhood favourites can be disappointing, but it can also be a great experience as you rediscover some of that childhood magic.  What I want to know is this: Do you re-read some of your favourite books from when you were a kid?  If so, how did you like them this time around?  Or do you try to avoid re-reading childhood favourites because you have the feeling they’re not as good as they were the first time around?