Tagged: sherry ficklin

My Interview with Sherry Ficklin

Sherry FicklinSherry Ficklin is the author of eight books, the most recent of which is Queen of Someday, a novel loosely based on the life of one of history’s best well known women, Catherine the Great.  In this interview we discuss future Russian novels, Catherine’s transformation from naive teenager to powerful ruler and why history teachers hate her.


1.  What made you want to write about Catherine the Great?  Was there any particular moment in time when you learned about her life and thought “wow, I have to write about her” or was there some other inspiration?
Her history is just so fascinating. I mean, she started out as this fifteen year old German princess, a very poor princess at that, and managed to not just take over the Russian monarchy, but she won the heart of an entire nation. What kind of person could, would dare to, do that? I love strong women, so I knew right away I wanted to know more, and when I didn’t find what I was looking for, I decided to tell my own story.

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