Tagged: your blog post recommendation thread

Your Blog Post Recommendation Thread

I’ve done a couple recommendation threads, both for books and blogs but this is my first blog post recommendation thread.  Basically, it works like this: Have you read a good blog post lately?  If yes, post a comment with a link to that post and a brief description saying why it’s a good post.  It doesn’t even have to be about books.

The only rules?

1.  No recommending your own posts.

2.  Play nice with others.

See?  It’s easy.  Here’s my recommendation:

Blaming the “Victim” of Chronic Illness

This is a great post explaining how victim-blaming harms those of us in chronic pain.  We’re constantly being told we need to exercise more, eat right, stop complaining, stop thinking about the pain that doesn’t leave us, try [x] obscure treatment, stop taking painkillers, etc.  If you’ve ever wanted to get into the mindset of someone with chronic pain or have ever wondered why no one with chronic pain talks about it, this is the post for you.